「英会話・英語 アミック」Culture of Cuteness
Ever since I first came to Japan back in 2011 I was always fascinated by the culture of cuteness that is so prevalent in Japanese society. Within the first week I had already done プリクラ (purikura) multiple times, was introduced to countless character mascots and came to understand the significance of posing for a picture in a cute way, especially the ever present peace sign. My understanding was heightened when I learned of アイドル (idols) and how cuteness ruled the entertainment industry here.
Needless to say, the cuteness of Japan has had a large impact on me, to the point where I’ve basically developed an effeminate “alter-ego”. While this “alter-ego” is largely a joke to me, I enjoy that it helps me balance the over-serious aspects of my personality in social situations. It is meant to be humorous, but the funniest part is that my family and friends back in the United States don’t quite understand when I post pictures like this: