英会話・英語 アミック How much exercise do you need?
For general good health, the 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans recommends that adults get a minimum of 2-1/2 hours per week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity. Yet many people may need more than 2-1/2 hours of moderate intensity activity a week to stay at a stable weight.
The Women’s Health Study, for example, followed 34,000 middle-aged women for 13 years to see just how much physical activity they needed to stay within 5 pounds of their weight at the start of the study. Researchers found that women who were in the normal weight range at the start of the study needed the equivalent of an hour a day of physical activity to stay at a steady weight.
If you are exercising mainly to lose weight, 30 minutes or so a day may be effective in conjunction with a healthy diet.
If you currently don’t exercise and aren’t very active during the day, any increase in exercise or physical activity is good for you.
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