英会話・英語 アミック What kind of coffee do you drink?
When I was younger the choice of coffee was much more simple, with milk and sugar or without! My own preference, for a long time being without. Although at Christmas time I would indulge my coffee after Christmas dinner by having it with cream. Nowadays there is much more variety commonly available, not only where the coffee beans originate and the blends of beans, but also with the different types of syrups used to flavor them.
Even though I prefer a more bitter filter coffee, I have found that I find some of the flavored syrups more palatable than sugar. The nut flavors and spice flavors and my favorite, particularly cinnamon, ginger or hazelnut. I think that I prefer these flavors, not only because of the taste, but because these flavors often remind me of my Nan (Grandmother). I spent a lot of time at her house when I was growing up and when I drink these flavors I feel comforted to remember these special times in my life.