Move over, “Thriller”; there are new Halloween vids in town 英会話・英語 アミック


With Halloween just around the corner and all the Amic schools decorated with pumpkins and ghosts, I’ve definitely had horror on the brain. There’s just something about this time of year that makes you want to grab a pumpkin spice latte, eat an apple cider doughnut, and watch something so scary you can’t sleep at night. I will admit that I’m a huge scaredy-cat; I usually end up watching horror movies with my ears plugged and my head buried in my lap! Lucky for those of us that can’t stand the suspense of a standard 175 minute slasher movie, there’s music videos! Yes, there have been music videos created that are so disturbing that MTV refused to air them (I’m looking at you, Mr. Bungle). The beauty of scary music videos is that they are small works of art in themselves; high quality production without the cheesy dialogue. 

So without further ado, here are my top 5 scary music videos, in no particular order. Watch at your discretion.

Basement Jaxx- Where’s Your Head At


An aggressive chorus! Monkeys with human faces! Human science experiments!  An attempted escape! Despite being nearly 18 years old, this music video fills me with dread to this day. 

UNKLE- Rabbit in Your Headlight

After watching this video, I’m always left with so many questions and theories. My top theory is the man is actually an angel that’s gone mad witnessing brutality on Earth. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Radiohead- Burn the Witch

What starts off innocently enough in “Thomas the Tank Engine” land ends on a much darker note. 

Aphex Twin- Come to Daddy

I think Aphex Twin may be the music video king of horror. The children wearing masks of Richard D. James’ face live in the uncanny valley. I just hope that dog is okay. 

Tool- Stinkfist

Maynard James Keenan makes some of the creepiest videos around. His mind is a dark place. 


Thoroughly creeped out yet? What are some of your favorite scary movies or music videos?









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