英会話 英語 アミック My first visit to Dogo


I arrived in Matsuyama in January 2019. Prior to my arrival, I had done some research about the city. Almost all the websites and articles I had found, did mention two must see landmarks: Dogo onsen and the Matsuyama castle. There were so many pictures as well as online travel guides for those two places.

Some time after my arrival, I decided to explore the city a bit. As the weather was quite cold, I started with Dogo onsen which was in the walking distance from where I live. So on a nice Monday morning, I put on my warm coat and wore my sneakers and started my first adventure in Matsuyama. First thing I saw on my way to Dogo onsen, was Dogo park which I found quite peaceful and beautiful. I remember I kept wondering how mesmerizing the park would look in spring.

Dogo Park


Finally, I got to the onsen and all the nice narrow streets around it. The streets were filled with different kinds of stores such as souvenir and sweet shops. I could see locals as well as travellers walking down the streets enjoying all kinds of snacks and sweets. I got to the Dogo onsen. The building’s traditional structure makes it distinct from its surroundings. So many people were posing for photos in front of the building. I enjoyed walking around the neighbourhood for about an hour and had a nice cup of coffee before I headed back home.

Dogo Onsen

Dogo Onsen

My first visit to Dogo was very nice and enjoyable. I really look forward to seeing the neighbourhood when cherry blossoms bloom and trees put their pretty green gowns on.






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