
Neopets: If It’s Not Broken, Don’t Fix It- 英会話・英語 アミック

If your family is like mine, you didn’t grow up owning fun pets. Sure, we had cats, fish, and hamsters, but not any pets that you could actually do anything with. Much like cats, fish, and hamsters, neopets are also quite boring. 

If you are unfamiliar with Neopets.com, I’m not surprised. Developed in the late 90’s, Neopets quickly gained popularity in a time when flash animation was incredibly popular. Visiting Neopets.com today is like entering a portal into early 2000’s internet. It was a simpler time; eBaum’s World is where we got all our viral videos and MySpace was still relevant. Neopets gave kids with social anxiety a nice quiet place to play games, own and decorate a virtual home, and, strangely, buy and sell stocks in the Neopian stock market.

Most importantly, you could create your own neopet, strange creatures that didn’t quite do anything. You can customize your pet by painting it or buying it clothes…and that’s it. They’re fun to look at, I guess? The strange thing is; despite Neopets.com’s frozen-in-time setting, it still has a thriving community of active players, myself included. I think it’s precisely the nostalgia for a simpler time that keeps people coming back for more, and, if it’s not broken, why fix it?


英会話・英語 アミック-温泉アート











道で地図を広げて迷っている外国人、見かけたことはありませんか? ぜひ声をかけてみましょう!



May I help you?(お困りですか?)

Do you need any help?(お手伝いしましょうか?)


How can I get to ~?(~にどうやっていけますか?)

Could you tell me to get to ~?(~に行く方法を教えてください)



・go straight~(~を、まっすぐ)
・go along~(~に沿って)
・turn right/left~(~を右/左に曲がって)

・go past~(~を通りすぎて)
Shall I go with you? (一緒に行きましょうか?)





英会話・英語 アミック Make and Do

Make and Do

Use make:

  • when we create something : I just made a cake
  • when something causes a reaction: This film makes me happy.

Use do:

  • when we talk about activities: I’m not doing anything. What do you want to do?
  • when we talk about activities in general: What does he do? He’s a lawyer.

英会話・英語 アミック-Triathlonに出発!



トライアスロン 【Triathlon】 という単語を分解すると、トライ【tri】 と アスロン【athlon】 に分けることができます。
三角形のトライアングル【triangle】= tri ➕ angle =(三つの角)
三輪車 【tricycle】= tri ➕ cycle =(三つの輪)
また、アスロン【athlon】は、競技を意味しますから、3種目をこなす競技が、tri ➕ athlon というわけですね。
さらに、【2】は【duo】ですので、トライアスロンからスイムを抜いて、バイクとランの2種目で行う競技を デュアスロン 【duathlon】といいます。
最後に、水 【aqua】に関するスイムと、ランで競う競技を アクアスロン 【aquathlon】ということをご紹介して、今日のところはおしまいに致しましょう(o^^o) 
それでは、レース頑張ってきます ٩( ᐛ )و

英会話・英語 アミック – Osaka Highlights

During Golden Week, I made my first trip to Osaka. I always regarded Matsuyama as a big city (any place with over 500,000 people is considered large in America), but visiting Osaka and the surrounding area really put things into perspective and made Matsuyama feel like the small town that my students insist it is!

While there, I did all the usual Kansai tourist activities such as visiting the castle, shopping at Dotonbori, taking a day trip to Nara, going to the top of the Tsutenkaku Tower, and of course eating plenty of okonomiyaki, takoyaki, and kushikatsu. 

However the highlight of my trip was  ̶e̶a̶t̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶T̶a̶c̶o̶ ̶B̶e̶l̶l̶ ̶f̶o̶r̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶f̶i̶r̶s̶t̶ ̶t̶i̶m̶e̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶f̶i̶v̶e̶ ̶m̶o̶n̶t̶h̶s̶  going to the small (by comparison) town of Ikeda to tour the Momofuku Ando Instant Ramen Museum. Not only do you learn about the interesting history of Cup Noodles there, you also get to create your own noodle recipe to take home and enjoy. 

Overall, I feel about Osaka the way I do New York: a fantastic city to visit and be entertained by for hours just by walking in any random direction, but a little too hectic of a place for me to live.



M.E.S.H. in Kyoto – 英会話・英語 アミック

I’m very fortunate and excited to be able to attend M.E.S.H.’s (aka James Whipple) audio visual set in Kyoto this coming Sunday. He’s been one of my favorite experimental electronic producers over the past few years but he is also a highly capable DJ that will conjure your catharsis whether you expect it or not, after the ambient washes give way to monstrous drums. Here’s one of his more upbeat compositions called “Search. Reveal.”. Enjoy! 😉

– Joe


英会話・英語 アミック-Aloha from Japan!


















海の澄みきった色はとっても綺麗 そんな時に使える表現は、、、

The water is crystal-clear.

(crystal clearは、「透明で澄みきった」という意味)






英会話・英語 アミック Same same , but different

While I was having a conversation with a fellow teacher about how we spent our Golden Week we came across some English words that I thought was unusual. Somewhere in the conversation, I mentioned taking a ‘ropeway’ up a mountain. It seemed that he had only come across this word in Japan. I questioned myself too and believed that I had picked it up since I had been living here for a long time. As it turns out, it is an English word. They may operate differently however, they are also known as gondola lift, cable car, aerial lift, aerial tramway…the list goes on. When I picture cable car, I imagine the trams that run on the hills of San Fransisco, and since he was from America I asked him about this. He also said that it is called a trolley. I couldn’t help but laugh because where I come from a trolley is what they would call a shopping cart or a supermarket cart.

Hehehehe – English is a funny language.

A Canadian Computer Scientist – 英会話・英語 アミック

Beatrice Helen Worsley was destined for greatness. An academic star from a young age, Beatrice won many awards in math and science. Her scholastic prowess eventually won her multiple scholarships to Trinity College, a part of the University of Toronto. She majored in mathematics and physics, eventually graduating in 1944. Beatrice held the distinction of having the highest marks in every class in every year she attended Trinity College.

After graduation, she enlisted in the Women’s Royal Canadian Naval Service (WRENS), where she studied harbor defenses and torpedo guidance. Worsley was eventually promoted to lieutenant before ultimately leaving the military in 1946. She is known for spending 150 days at sea working as a minesweeper, a record which stands to this day. 

After her time in the military, she completed a one-year Master’s program at MIT. Her thesis detailed nearly every computing machine in existence at the time and is considered one of the most detailed works in early computing. 

Her time at MIT made her realize that computers were the way of the future. Eventually, Canada developed a computing industry beginning with the University of Toronto. Worsley applied to provide computational support for Atomic Energy of Canada. While working at Cambridge, Worsley built a differential analyzing machine and helped write a program to calculate squares. She later applied for a doctorate at the University of Toronto, writing her dissertation in part on her differential analyzing machine as well as Turing machines. Her dissertation is considered to be the first written about modern computers and earned her a PhD in computing. Beatrice then began teaching at the University of Toronto. 

Unfortunately, Worsley’s genius was not celebrated during her lifetime. She was repeated passed over for promotions while working at the University of Toronto. She received far less recognition than her peers in the field of computational sciences. In 1972, Beatrice Worsley suffered a fatal heart attack at the young age of 50. She was finally recognized posthumously for her service in computation with a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Canadian Association of Computer Science. 



Soft Cream: A Delicious Accident- 英会話・英語 アミック

Although the exact genesis story of soft serve ice cream is contested, my favorite story begins with a flat tire. 

One weekend in 1934, Tom Carvel got a flat tire in his ice cream truck in New York. He pulled into a parking lot and began selling his melting ice cream to people driving by. Within two days he had sold his entire supply of ice cream! In 1936, Tom opened his first store on the original broken down truck site and developed a secret soft serve ice cream formula.

The secret to making soft serve is to introduce air to the ice cream while it’s freezing.  The amount of air introduced in the freezing can change the taste of the finished product. Product with low quantities of air has a heavy, icy taste and appears more yellow. Product with higher air content tastes creamier, smoother and lighter. While Tom Carvel patented a number of machines to facilitate the creation of soft serve, today the process is much easier with air pumps included for extra aeration within the soft serve machine.

So, whether you’re enjoying a Mr Whippy in the U.K, a Merry Cream in Lebanon, or a Soft Cream in Japan, Mr. Carvel’s soft serve has been delighting people around the world; all thanks to a happy accident!







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