
Homecooked meals 英会話・英語 アミック

Hello, everyone!
If you didn’t already know, I’m Singaporean by nationality – born and raised in the Little Red Dot – but I was raised Indonesian. My Indonesian parents emigrated from Indonesia in the early 90s as soon as they got married, and started a new life in Singapore. They had me soon after, and the rest is history.
Growing up, homecooked meals were my favourite. They still are. I’ve been living abroad for almost a decade now and there’s nothing I miss more than my mother’s cooking. I enjoy exploring new cultures and discovering delicious food, but nothing beats Indonesian food. Indonesian cuisine, like most Southeast Asian cuisines, includes a wonderful mix of seasoning, herbs, and spices.
Ever since I started living on my own, I learned to cook. Cooking is a valuable life skill, and no matter how old you are, whether you’re a boy or girl, man or woman, you should really know how to cook! Your tastebuds and tummy will be very grateful. I learned to cook several types of food over the years, namely Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Thai.
I enjoy cooking and sharing my meals with friends. Indonesian food isn’t as widely popular overseas, unlike Thai or Vietnamese food. If you like Thai or Vietnamese food, I really recommend you try Indonesian!
– Tirta



My Dog Laurence 英会話・英語 アミック

Hello everyone,

Meet my dog, Laurence! 
He is a Jack Russell Terrier and about 19 months old.
He loves to chew on things so I often buy him chewy treats and toys so he doesn’t chew on other things in the house!
Laurence is a very energetic and rowdy boy so it’s important that he gets a lot of exercise everyday. We go on long walks in my neighborhood and play catch ball and tug-of-war at home. 
When he’s not running around and being active he enjoys taking naps on the sofa especially when laying next to me.
I love him very much.



The Yonaguni Mystery: Man-Made or Natural Formation 英会話・英語 アミック

Hello, Everyone.

I really love a good historical mystery.  I often spend my free time watching documentaries on the Internet.  I especially enjoy watching ones about the ancient world.  Not too long ago, I found out about the Yonaguni Mystery.


Off of Yonaguni Island, there is a mysterious rock formation 26 meters under the surface.  What makes this formation interesting, is that there is a ongoing debate about the origins of this formation.  Some people believe it to be the remains of an ancient structure, while others believe it to be just a freak natural occurrence.  There are many unique natural formations around the world, like the Giant’s Causeway in Northern Ireland.  


I’m not sure which I believe, but finds like this one help keep our imaginations alive.  I also think it’s great for getting more people interested in the past, enjoying the outdoors, and encouraging people to do some sleuth work of their own.  Which do you think it is, man-made or natural?  If you ever have the chance to go to Yonaguni and are interested in diving, please check it out!



Trip to Gogoshima 英会話・英語 アミック

Hello, everyone!
A few weekends ago, I went to Gogoshima. It was a warm, sunny day, perfect for cycling.
Gogoshima is an up-and-coming spot if you’d like a short getaway from the city. Recently, a new udon restaurant opened in the northern part of the island (near Yura Port) and I had the opportunity to try it. I had hijiki tempura for the first time and it was really delicious!
I cycled around the island and was surprised at how hilly the northern side was. I think the southern side is flatter and makes it easier for a joyride. Nevertheless, I had a great time admiring the view from up top. I even saw cows!
I love island-hopping, and I feel really fortunate that I get to live near a beautiful island just a stone’s throw away from the main city. I’ll definitely go back once the rainy season is over.
Do you have any islands to recommend? Do let me know!






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