
英会話 英語 アミック Mochi, Daifuku or Dango?

I had tried Mochi long before coming to Japan. First time I tried Mochi was in Bangkok in 2010. It was love at first sight or more like love at first taste. I remember how excited I was when trying to describe that amazing sweet to my sister.

“It’s round and soft and chewy! Smells like rice! There are so many flavors and fillings! It is so  cool.”

Since that day, I have been looking for “mochi” wherever I have travelled and I have been amazingly surprised by the diversity that different shops offer. So all through those years I had assumed that any round and chewy rice ball sweet was called mochi! And then I arrived in Japan and I went to the supermarket to try my first real Japanese mochi. I was standing there in awe for minutes and minutes, staring at all those rice balls in different colors and sizes. “Oops! Are these all mochi?” I wondered. I picked 5 or 6 different types and went back home. They all tasted great and different. Using online translator, I realized not all of them were called mochi! “What does this mean?” So I did some research and suddenly I thought “eureka! Found it!” Not all of them are mochi. I had mochi, daifuku and dango. 

Mochi is made from glutinous rice. It is round, chewy and white and definitely not sweet. It meant that all those colorful and sweet “mochi” I had all those years ago were not mochi really. They were dango or daifuku which are mochi with additive colors and sweeteners.


Then I also realized that dango and mochi are almost the same. While mochi is made from rice, dango is made from mochiko. Wondering how I can tell the difference, I found out that dango is usually made into small balls on a stick.



Then there is daifuku which can be in different colors and has fillings like anko or strawberries. Yes! This is it! This is the one I fell in love with all those years ago. I feel so happy to have cleared this one mystery; however, there is more to come.



I think everybody around me already knows how much I love sweets. So I keep getting recommendations especially from my very nice Japanese friends here about what to try next. So the journey goes on!


英会話 英語 アミック First time at a Japanese movie theater!

I’ve been in Japan for just about two months now and, as someone who unfortunately speaks zero Japanese, every new “first” still feels like a big accomplishment! This weekend I had a very satisfying “first”— for the first time, I went to see a movie in a Japanese theater, all by myself! And yes, I was careful to make sure that it was only the subtitles were in Japanese and all the audio was in English, but the experience was definitely interesting. Overall, it was very similar to theaters I’ve seen in the U.S.A. and Canada, but I did notice a couple of differences: firstly, I was a little surprised that they asked us to wait until 15 or 20 minutes before the start of the movie to go into the theater. I’m so used to that time being used for advertisements and extra “sneak peeks” (special interviews, trailers and additional information on movies that will be released soon). I was also surprised by the theater itself. The screen was much higher on the wall than I was expecting, and the seats were much lower. The stairs were not nearly as steep. The seats were very comfortable, though, and since it was a quiet day, the theater was not too crowded.

The movie that I took such a special trip out to see was Captain Marvel— and it was definitely worth it! The movie was fun, interesting, and had a fantastic female hero. I definitely recommend it to anyone who likes Marvel movies, superheroes, or fun, action-packed adventures! 

Maybe next time I’ll see if I can find a real Japanese movie with English subtitles– after all, movies, music, and TV shows are a useful and fun way to practice listening in a foreign language. Next time you watch your favorite movie on DVD or on Netflix, try changing the language to English and see how much you can pick up!












ミルクの道(Milky Way) ないし銀河(「galaxy」とはギリシャ語の乳「gala」からきている)と呼ばれるのはそのため 



そこからMilky Wayに繋がるなんてギリシャ神話おもしろ〜い





Feeling merry

As it is getting warmer day by day, I am feeling merrier and merrier.
I have not experienced Japanese spring for a very long time and I have been looking forward to it very much.
There were some cherry blossom trees in New Zealand too, but not many.
It will be a great way for the new teachers to experience Japanese culture, I believe. Do you have your favorite spot to do Hanami?
My favorite used to be along Shigenobu river.
In spring, the cherry blossom trees that are planted along the bank and the canola flowers all bloom at the same time and it is very beautiful. 
When I was going to school, I used to enjoy cycling along the river. As my house at that time was right beside it, I used to do that every day and enjoyed seeing small and big changes throughout the seasons. 
I have already noticed some cherry blossom trees are in bloom. According to the cherry blossom forecast, they will be in the first bloom around the 23rd of this month. It is less than two weeks away! I would love to go visit different places to enjoy the spring and hanami this year.

英会話 英語 アミック Doll’s Day / Girls’ day (Hinamatsuri)

Hinamatsuri (Girls’ day) is celebrated on March the 3rd every year. Ornamental Dolls placed on a red carpet representing the Emperor and Empress, attendants and musicians. 

I’d heard about Hinamatsuri in Kumakogen, so I drove there yesterday. All the shops and houses in one road displayed the dolls. However, residents have been creative and added more stuff to the display. 

Please have a look at the photos below:







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