
the greatest and best #1 stream of consciousness English conversation blog post ever **READ NOW** 「英会話・英語 アミック」

Well, dear reader, as of now I have nothing to say. Really. Nothing. 







If I felt like this in an actual face-to-face social situation, I would perhaps feel obligated to make nervous small talk in the hope that it eased the tension of the silent room. But online, surrounded by Earth’s HIVE of BUZZING information peddlers and broke content creators (the information and “content” probably falling somewhere between dire and excruciatingly meaningless), I’ve found silence is golden. Shiny-soul-warming-morning-sunshine-on-your-face-after-a-good-sleep golden.

But do not fret, dear reader. I’ll have something to say next week. Something so unbearably important to tell everyone that I’ll practically race my own shadow to my laptop followed only by the hammering of my icy, air-conditioned fingers descending on the keyboard like a hailstorm in an attempt to convey everything as accurately as possible before it slips my mind forever.

Okay, no.

Not really.



Summer is still here

I can’t feel my favorite season coming to its end, but it is almost September. The wee hours are a little cooler that I sleep with my windows open. As I rode my son to nursery school today, the cicadas weren’t chirping as loud. Maybe they know that their time has come and that the typhoons are approaching us. 

For me summer was great. I enjoyed watching the high school baseball championships and excitedly cheered on Saibi High School. A big pat on the back to them for reaching the semi-finals. During the Obon break, our friends gathered together to have a beach barbeque on Kashima Island. My family camped there for three nights and were lucky enough to catch a couple of shooting stars. I had a fantastic short summer vacation and have skin peeling from sunburn to prove it! 

V-mail: not quite the predecessor of e-mail 英会話・英語 アミック

I’ve noticed a common trope when it comes to movies set during World War II: a soldier sends a letter to their family or sweetheart only for censorship to render it unreadable! Of course, censorship was an important tactic to use in an era of espionage and misdirections. Perhaps soldiers just had to learn how to censor their letters over time or they got yelled at enough times from their superiors to know better than to include locations and positions in their notes home. How were soldiers able to communicate with their loved ones? I, for one, would be devastated if my child or husband were in war and the only communication I received from them was full of holes! Enter V-mail! 

Short for Victory Mail; V-mail was a hybrid mail process that was used during World War II for soldiers stationed abroad to send secure correspondence. How did it work? V-mail correspondence was written on small letter sheets, or paper that could be folded and sent without an envelope. The V-mail would than be censored and then photographed and transferred as a tiny image to microfilm. Once the V-mail arrived to its destination, the image would be printed at 60% of the documents original size. 

According to the National Postal Museum, “V-mail ensured that thousands of tons of shipping space could be reserved for war materials. The 37 mail bags required to carry 150,000 one-page letters could be replaced by a single mail sack. The weight of that same amount of mail was reduced dramatically from 2,575 pounds (1168 kg)  to a mere 45 (20.4 kg).This saved considerable weight and bulk in a time in which both were hard to manage in a combat zone.” [1] Wow! 

In addition to postal censorship, V-mail also worked to stop espionage communications by “foiling the use of invisible ink, microdots, and microprinting, none of which would be reproduced in a photocopy.”[1] Who knew mail could be so fascinating?!


英会話・英語 アミック – Play, do and go for sports

Play, do and go for sports

We use play for team sports or ball games. 

  • play football.
  • don’t play tennis.
  • Will we play hockey tomorrow?

We use do for more individual activities.

  • do exercise.
  • don’t do judo.
  • Have you ever done aerobics?

We often use go for activities ending in -ING

  • go running.
  • don’t go swimming.
  • would never go skydiving.

Flag Power Rankings – 英会話・英語 アミック

In addition to maps, as a kid I was also a huge flag nerd. While I liked to look at atlases for the actual maps inside, my true favorite page was at the back of book where every single country’s flag was displayed neatly. I’m only halfway embarrassed to say that I once had a shirt of a similar design, that I used to collect miniature flags, and that a few years ago I even downloaded an app to help me try and memorize every single nation’s flag (I didn’t quite ever make it to 100%). At one point I probably even wanted to be a vexillologist (a person who studies flags) but I’m guessing there aren’t too many job opportunities in that field. 

Anyway, after spending all this time looking at flags, I naturally developed some favorites. While it’d be impossible for me to choose a true top list, these five would definitely be in the mix:



While most African nations use some combination of red-green-yellow-black on their flags, Seychelles lets everyone know how different they are from mainland Africa by sporting this fabulously different banner.


Macedonia’s flag looks like a permanent lens flare, or like you just unlocked some ancient gate or treasure chest that is opening for the first time in centuries. 


I appreciate any flag that is probably extra fun for schoolchildren to draw (or that looks like it was designed in MS Paint).


What looks like some sort of retro-futuristic basketball court design is actually the beautifully balanced flag of Grenada. To let everyone know how into spices they are, they even stuck in a clove of nutmeg on the left hand side. 











It’s a trident, just like Poseidon and Ariel’s father in “The Little Mermaid” have! Save for Kenya, I think it’s also the only flag with a weapon on it, so that’s pretty cool. 







最近のグローバル化に伴い、英会話スクールの必要性はますます増加しております。特に、スピーキング・リスニング・ライティング・リーディングの4技能をバランスよく持つ人材が必要とされており、英検など4技能対応型の試験への期待も高まっております。小学校の英語必修化や資格試験を重視する大学入試の大幅な変更もすぐそこに迫って来ている中、 アミック・イングリッシュセンターとしては、英検やTOEICの対策にも力を入れており、優秀な外国人及び日本人講師を積極的に採用しております。

