
Yakushima? I barely know ‘er! 英会話・英語 アミック

Fresh off a recent trip to Tokyo I have already started looking forward to my next travel bout. I stumbled upon a Wikipedia page about World Heritage Sites in Japan and discovered Yakushima.

Yakushima is an island off the southern coast of Kyushu. The island has been a World Heritage Site since 1993 because it is home to a massive ancient forest. Although Yakushima has many different types of flora and fauna, it’s Japanese Cedar trees are the real crowd pleaser; some are thought to be 2300 years old! Although many people suffer with hay fever from cedar trees, that’s not enough to stop 300,000 tourists from visiting the island each year.While these trees were logged for many years during the Edo period, commercial logging of the island was banned in the 1960s and the trees have been replanted. Additionally, Yakushima is home to the largest nesting ground for loggerhead sea turtles. The island is also home to macaques, deer, weasels, and the surrounding waters are full of dolphins and coral reefs. 

Before you pack your bags and head out, you should be aware that the route to Yakushima can be challenging. There’s two different ferry services available to get there, but no cars are allowed on the island. Yakushima also has a small airport with two flights a day. Hiking to the top of Yakushima’s many peaks is extremely popular with tourists, but make sure to pack appropriate clothing. Yakushima is known as “Japan’s Wettest Place”, so a raincoat and water-proof boots are a must especially in June! 

Fun fact: Yakushima is the inspiration for the forest settings in Princess Mononoke! So what do you think? Should I go??



Sports Idioms and Expressions In Everyday English – 英会話・英語 アミック

Many of the more frequently-used English idioms and expressions originate from sports. However these 10, and countless others, are now so commonplace that they’ve taken on lives of their own in our everyday speech.  

Term/Expression Origin Non-Sports Meaning Example sentence
Ballpark Baseball To give an estimated guess Could you ballpark an estimate on next month’s sales figures?
By a nose Horse racing To finish something by a slim margin of distance or time He won the election by a nose.
Down to the wire Horse racing To finish something at the last minute It came down to the wire, but I finished all my homework before class.
Off-base Baseball Something that is inappropriate  Her comments about my hair were way off-base.
Out of left field  Baseball A surprising or unexpected event The news about his firing came completely out of left field.
Par for the course Golf The expected behavior for a certain situation Andrew forgetting his umbrella is pretty par for the course.
Rain check Baseball To postpone an invitation to do something until a later date Can we take a rain check on our date tonight? I’ve had a long day.
Saved by the bell Boxing Spared from misfortune at the last instant by some outside force I was literally saved by the bell when the fire alarm went off during our test.
The ball is in my/his/her/your court Tennis Someone’s turn to take action next We’ve done everything we can to help him; the ball is in his court now. 

会話・英語 アミック Person, Persons, People and peoples

Person, persons, people and peoples.

person is a human man, woman, or child. It is a singular countable noun. 

  • There was one person at the door.
  • When did you see this suspicious person?
  • She’s a very interesting person. You should talk to her.

People and peoples
The plural of person is people. It refers to a group or a number of human beings. It is a plural countable noun.

  • There were three people at the door.
  • How many people do you know?
  • The people who live here are very rich.

People can also mean nation. Peoples is the plural form of this meaning. Peoples means nations.

  • The Aztecs were a people that lived in the Americas.
  • The English are a strange people.
  • There are many peoples living on the Earth.
  • When the peoples of the Earth unite, we will have peace.

 is a more formal, more polite form of people. It’s a plural countable noun and is most often seen written down – such as on signs, in newspapers and in the context of the law.

  • This lift can hold a maximum of 15 persons.
  • The police expect to catch the persons responsible for the theft.
  • My client has never seen these persons before and so he is innocent.

56 Ways To Say Hello And Goodbye In English – 英会話・英語 アミック

Most of the time, I greet my students with a hearty ‘Hello!’ and ‘How are you?’ at the beginning of class, followed by a “Goodbye!” or “See you!” at the end. 

But in English, there are so many other great ways to say these things, especially when hanging out with friends. 

Instead of ‘Hello’ and ‘How Are You?’, try…

  1. Hi
  2. Hiya
  3. Hey
  4. Hey there
  5. Howdy
  6. Holla
  7. Good morning
  8. ‘morning!
  9. Good afternoon
  10. G’day
  11. Good evening
  12. How’s it going?
  13. What’s up?
  14. Sup?
  15. Sup dude (men only)
  16. What’s happening?
  17. What’s going on?
  18. Hola*
  19. Yo
  20. What’s good?
  21. How have you been?
  22. How are things?
  23. What’s new?
  24. What have you been up to?
  25. Hey man (men only)
  26. How’s life?
  27. How’s your day going?
  28. Long time no see

Instead of ‘Goodbye’ or ‘See you’, try…

  1. Bye!
  2. Bye bye
  3. Good night
  4. See you later
  5. Talk to you later
  6. Catch you later
  7. Later
  8. Later alligator
  9. Have a good day
  10. Have a good night
  11. Have a good one
  12. Adios*
  13. Take care
  14. Take it easy
  15. So long
  16. Peace
  17. Peace out
  18. I’m out
  19. I’m off
  20. See you next time
  21. I’ve got to get going
  22. I ‘ve gotta go/jet/dip/bounce/split/roll/head out/hit the road
  23. Good seeing you
  24. Good talking with you
  25. I’m outta (out of) here
  26. I’m going to call it a day/night
  27. See you on the flip side
  28. See you on the flippity flop

*Spanish, but sometimes (American) English speakers say it for fun


Rainy Season Soundtrack 英会話・英語 アミック

Some music, whether songs or full albums, are able to evoke complete atmospheres; an exploration in emotional landscapes if you will. We are nearing the end of the rainy season (I hope), but I wanted to share an album that always complimented rainy days for me. The album is Disintegration by The Cure. While Robert Smith directly conjures images of rain in his lyrics and song titles, the music really makes the listener feel it. The album starts out very romantic and dreamlike but steadily descends to this gloomy, sunken place where it perpetually rains on dark vegetation (that album cover really captures my imagination). But don’t worry, there are also lighter pop moments that give you shelter along the way. Here’s a very literal “rainy” song but please give the whole album a listen to understand the journey!








最近のグローバル化に伴い、英会話スクールの必要性はますます増加しております。特に、スピーキング・リスニング・ライティング・リーディングの4技能をバランスよく持つ人材が必要とされており、英検など4技能対応型の試験への期待も高まっております。小学校の英語必修化や資格試験を重視する大学入試の大幅な変更もすぐそこに迫って来ている中、 アミック・イングリッシュセンターとしては、英検やTOEICの対策にも力を入れており、優秀な外国人及び日本人講師を積極的に採用しております。

