
Vine: the social media account no one needed (but everyone misses)英会話・英語 アミック

2013 was a magical time for social media. Although YouTube and Instagram had been around for a while, someone decided that the world needed a balance between long-form video and static images. Twenty minute long videos and scrolling through feed after feed of pictures could no longer hold our entertainment-saturated, A.D.D-addled brains. Thus, to fill the void, Vine was born.

What is Vine, you ask? Much like YouTube, a user could film themselves or a subject using an app. The catch? The video was only six seconds long. In order to get those coveted “revines”, a user had to make sure to jam pack their content with something that could hold the viewers attention for at least six seconds. It’s harder than it sounds! Sure, there were some duds, namely a lot of videos of people simply lip-synching to music or chatting with friends.  However, quite a few YouTubers got their start and built their fanbases using Vine; the Logan brothers and Lele Pons, for starters.

Although Vine was put on indefinite hiatus in 2016, its legacy lives on in current app features such as Snapchat’s 10 second and Instagram’s 1 minute video sharing. Thankfully, Vine has archived all of its current videos which leave us with gems like this:



英会話・英語 アミック ドイツ語講座その2







“Arbeit” eiでアイと読むドイツ語では、そのままアルバイトと読みます。





It was such a hard work. のように、仕事量のことを指していたりもします。

ドイツ語でも同じです。 Es war sehr harte Arbeit.


ちなみにドイツ語でアルバイトのことは、mini jobといいます。

ミニ ジョブ。なんだかかわいいですね^^)/


英会話・英語 アミック 新プログラム




My favorite animal is~(私の好きな動物は~)と、その理由を書いています。



バナナとビスケットを使ったTeddy Bear作りです。食べ物の名前や顔のパーツも、実際に作りながらだと英語が自然と出てきます。






英会話・英語 アミック Too and Very

Too and Very

Both too and very are intensifiers. They are used to make adjectives and adverbs stronger.

When we use very, it’s not clear whether what we are describing is a good or a bad thing. 

  • The building is very old.

This could be a good thing: ‘the building is old and beautiful’. It could also be a bad thing: ‘the building is old and falling down’.

When we use too, it means there’s a problem.

  • The building is too old.

This is a bad thing. The building is too old. It might fall down and could be dangerous.


My Favorite World Cup Memory – 英会話・英語 アミック

The World Cup has always been a perfect mesh of two of my favorite things: sports and geography. Ever since I was little, the tournament’s ability to bring the world together for a month during the summer has captivated me. It may not always be the highest quality soccer, and some of the organizer’s behind-the-scene actions are shameful, but I simply can’t not watch.

Although this is the first World Cup in my lifetime that America hasn’t qualified for, I’ll still be following the tournament closely this summer. Even with their absence, previous US National Teams at the World Cup have given me some fond sporting memories I can always relive on YouTube until Qatar 2022 rolls around. 

Landon Donovan’s Equalizer Against Algeria (2010)

One of those came at the 2010 iteration of the tournament. A senior in college, I unfortunately had to work during the day of a pivotal match against Algeria: a loss or draw could eliminate the US from the tournament, whereas a win would potentially allow them to win their World Cup group for the first time since 1930. 

Since I couldn’t follow the game live, I recorded it on a VHS tape (remember those?) to watch later that evening. After managing to avoid finding out the result, I raced home to watch the game alone in my parents’ basement.

At about 70 minutes in the score remained deadlocked at 0-0. Right around then, my mom came downstairs with my childhood pet cat in her arms: Spice had not been doing well for some time, and my parents decided they were going to take her to the vet that evening and that I should say goodbye right then. I was upset of course in the way that anyone would be, but also at the timing of the whole situation, with my nerves already on edge from watching the match. 

Now awash with heartbreak on top of the emotions the match was already loading on me, I watched the minutes tick down apathetically, prepared for a heavy dose of sports disappointment. 

Then, in the final minute, this happened:

I hit the roof (figuratively and literally) out of pure ecstasy, a moshpit of one bouncing around the room. And for at least a little while, my heart didn’t hurt quite so bad. As cheesy as it sounds, the moment (and maybe Spice from the beyond?) made me feel that everything was going to be alright.







最近のグローバル化に伴い、英会話スクールの必要性はますます増加しております。特に、スピーキング・リスニング・ライティング・リーディングの4技能をバランスよく持つ人材が必要とされており、英検など4技能対応型の試験への期待も高まっております。小学校の英語必修化や資格試験を重視する大学入試の大幅な変更もすぐそこに迫って来ている中、 アミック・イングリッシュセンターとしては、英検やTOEICの対策にも力を入れており、優秀な外国人及び日本人講師を積極的に採用しております。

